Welcomeon board

September 9, 2019, Marvin Schiffel und Laurin Dahn

Induction week for new apprentices and students

The room was filled with silence, most of the faces around us were unknown and there was a general nervousness of what was to come this week.

Each person then had to introduce themselves, which gave us an opportunity to remember some names. The most important names in the coming years will definitely be those of our trainers, Jasmin Nürnberger, Holger Hary and Sarah Sievers. After the ice-breaking game, we discussed our expectations for the introductory week and subsequent training. This was followed by a guided tour of the company by established Rutronik students and apprentices. We were amazed by the size of the premises and were very impressed by the data center that Markus Ziegler (Head of IT) took the time to present to us. After the lunch break, Andreas Mangler (Director Strategic Marketing) told the rich and fascinating history of Rutronik and outlined the issues and challenges that the company will face in the not-too-distant future in the field of component distribution.

Day 2 started very early with a trip for everyone to Rutronik’s logistics center in Eisingen. After listening to some facts and figures about the warehouse, Nico Schöninger (Process Manager Logistics) gave us a tour of the warehouse facilities. Back in Ispringen, we immediately started dealing with the organizational matters concerning our training; we received our training plans, found out who our direct contacts are in the various departments and the names of our respective superiors and were handed the vocational school timetable for the following week. We ate lunch and boosted our energy levels in the canteen of a neighboring company. In the afternoon, we attended an electrotechnical training session given by Rainer Hügin (Technical Trainer) focusing on components, parts and products. This event was followed by a feedback and photo session, along with a very important introduction to Excel and Outlook, which was also conducted by Rainer Hügin, who explained everything in a very interesting, professional and concise manner.

The middle of the week also marked the last day in Ispringen. It began with the issue of communication and a little ice-breaker, a kind of “Chinese whispers”. The first person was shown four pictures which they then had to describe to the next person in their own words. The result was very amusing for all of us and clearly showed how quickly important information can be lost. We then took a closer look at “learning to learn”, a process that helps you to retain what you have learned better in the future. In small groups, we discussed how best to learn and which factors and environment must be present to ensure optimum learning. Following the lunch break, the respective mentors of the various students and apprentices were introduced. The mentors had an answer to every question they were asked and were able to dispel any fear that might still have been lurking about the soon-to-begin study courses/apprenticeships. The last item on the agenda of the day was “Business Do’s and Don’ts”. Certain behavior and clothing “no go’s” were discussed in small groups first. A phone call was used in groups of two to simulate a customer or employee conversation.

The highlight of the week was definitely the team building trip to Oberderdingen.

After a 40-minute drive, we arrived at Flehingen Castle and were allocated our single rooms. A short time later, we met in the training room of the adjoining building and played some communication, group complexity and logic games. And there was plenty of food on offer in Flehingen, too! Four meals were served each day. In the evening of the first day, everyone met up again in the castle basement to spend a relaxed evening playing various entertainment games and quizzes. To the delight of all of us, our three training supervisors also joined in and we all had lots of fun. The last day of the introductory week began very early outdoors with an array of group activities. In one of these games, Marvin Schiffel and Laurin Dahn were chosen to write the weekly report, as the day before, in a heated negotiation role-play game, they had represented two different sides and been unable to come to an agreement. After a final feedback session, the bus took us back to Ispringen.

In conclusion, it has to be said that we all enjoyed the week very much as it was planned and carried out to perfection. It was neither too casual nor too strict and everyone received the information and answers they wanted. We are now certain that each and everyone of the very open and likable students and apprentices is looking forward to their time at Rutronik!