My start as a dual studentin Business Administration

January 29th, 2021

What attracted you to Rutronik in the first place?

“I’d met a friend in town and she started telling me all about her stay abroad and her vocational training as an assistant in wholesale and foreign trade at Rutronik. She has since completed her training and is now working full time at the company. While chatting to her, I discovered that Rutronik is one of the world’s leading distributors that allows you to work in an international environment while at the same time offering excellent development opportunities. Back home, I took a look at the company’s website to get a better insight into what it actually does.”

What is your recollection of the application process?

“I still have very positive memories of the application process. Before sending off my application, I called Holger Hary to ask which documents were actually needed and to establish an initial contact. After I’d applied online, he got back to me within four days and invited me to a personal interview. Our first conversation was positive; I still remember it being very pleasant. The feeling I had was that Rutronik takes the time to get to know each applicant individually. I also think it’s great that during the interview you realise it’s not all about grades, but that every applicant can improve their chances through their personality and approach. After the initial interview, I was invited to a ‘taster afternoon’ in the sales department a few days later. I spent the afternoon with a young employee who patiently explained what Rutronik is all about, what the company’s business model is and what his sales activities are. There wasn’t enough time to discover everything, but it was great way to get a first glimpse of the company. Before actually starting, I received numerous updates from the HR department and we were in regular contact. After the coronavirus outbreak, any fears I had that my course would not go ahead as planned and that things would change because of the virus were immediately dispelled.”

Has the course lived up to your expectations so far?

“I’d previously completed a commercial apprenticeship, so I knew roughly what to expect. I find the specialisation aspect of the degree program particularly fascinating, for instance Business Administration for Management in Commerce. Personally, what I like most about studying at DHBW is the combination of practical and theoretical skills. Further, I can spend a semester abroad – the ultimate motivation to get good grades.”

What was your experience of the theoretical phase?

“Due to the coronavirus pandemic, I spent most of the first theoretical phase of the course at home, which obviously had both advantages and disadvantages. The lecturers and our course director were totally committed to making our start as smooth as possible under the somewhat difficult conditions. Documents such as scripts and sample exams were provided to us through the DHBW program, while the actual lessons took place via Alfaview from home. The big advantage of online lectures is that you can sleep longer and follow the lecturers in more comfy clothes. Yet another benefit is that you don’t have to travel to and from the university and can, therefore, start going through everything straight after the lecture. And seeing as coronavirus put a stop to many leisure activities, you had even more time to study. Everyone who had prepared themselves properly was then able to pass the exams with relevant ease. On the flip side, the physical distance made it hard for some people to motivate themselves to get involved, which meant that it was basically always the same ones participating in all the lectures. At least we spent the first two weeks of the semester at DHBW and were able to get to know the university from the inside for the first time. Sadly, getting to know fellow students has been a little difficult, but I have been able to make initial contact with a few of them via web meetings. My summary: Lessons on-site at the university are much more effective and I hope we’ll be back there for the next theoretical phase.”

What experience have you gained so far during your first practical phase?

“My first practical phase at Rutronik was extremely exciting and fascinating. I was warmly welcomed into the team by my colleagues, and I was able to integrate well into my new environment. My colleagues were always understanding whenever I had any questions and everyone took the time to explain the work processes to me and, if necessary, sometimes more than once. Moreover, my colleagues give me enough things to do, I’m involved in projects and I’m free to decide how I organise my working day. I’ve been on first name terms with everyone from day one, which obviously made it a lot easier to become part of the team. I’m very happy here and don’t really want the practical phase to end.”

What are the next stages of your course?

“Next semester, I’ll be sitting seven exams. Two of them are exams from the first semester that were postponed due to the pandemic – so it’ll be quite a stressful period! After that, it’s straight on to doing my first project assignment. I don’t yet know what’s in store for me, but I’ll deal with it all in good time.”

What is your general summary?

“In summary, I can say that I’ve found my place here and have been warmly welcomed. Top lecturers, great colleagues and I’m looking forward to discovering all about the various departments of an international company – it’s ideal for me!”