“Beruf Aktuell” careers fair in Pforzheim

February 14, 2018, Valerie Priszlinger

The Nagold-Pforzheim Employment Agency organized the “Beruf Aktuell” careers fair at the CCP and Jahnhalle in Pforzheim again on Saturday, February 3, 2018. Rutronik was represented, as it is every year, with a stand on the upper floor of the CCP.

Ms. Martina Lehmann, Managing Director of the Nagold-Pforzheim Employment Agency, opened the event at 8:45 am with a welcome speech. Several political representatives and the Mayor of Pforzheim were welcomed as guests of honor. 

Roughly 200 exhibitors provided information about training and study opportunities in industry, trade, services and health during the careers fair. The Rutronik stand was represented by two apprentices, two students and two colleagues from HR. Ms. Kolem, Ms. Jülg and I had already set up the stand on Friday and packed 150 bags with giveaways and information material for anyone who was interested. We also had little people-shaped highlighters and anti-stress balls to give away, which were a real highlight for potential applicants. 

Our stand was so well attended that we had already distributed all the bags by noon. We conducted many interesting discussions and were able to talk quite a bit about our training and the dual study program. Selina Geiger, Filipe Dos Reis, Daniele Barletta and I had fun advising potential applicants and were glad that we were allowed to attend the fair.