2017waffle sale

December 21, 2017

In keeping with the tradition, the apprentices/dual study program students supervised the waffle stand at the Rutronik Advent party this year too.

We met early to plan and buy the ingredients for the waffle dough and the quantities. A few hours before the party, we set up the waffle stand and made the waffle dough fresh. In a short team meeting the roles were distributed: who’s baking, taking the money, doing the toppings. Then it was time to get started.

Our waffle stand didn’t do much of a trade to start with, but after a while our fresh waffles were selling like hot cakes. Waffles with icing sugar were the big hits! 
The mood in our team, as well as at the party, was jolly and cheerful on the whole. The time flew by. We all had a great evening.