Vocational training and dual-study in the age of corona

In regular training meetings, Holger Hary and Sarah Sievers (both HR Specialist Vocational Training) find out about the current situation and the difficulties facing our apprentices and students. Here are a few impressions from the perspective of our apprentices and dual-study students.

,,The number of phone calls has definitely increased since the pandemic began. This also applies to the amount of support provided by the departments and the HR department. At the moment, all meetings take place online. Should a meeting take place in person, all the participants have to wear face masks and ensure the necessary safe distance from each other. Since appointments are timed at regular intervals, contact is not lost even during the current pandemic situation. Personally, the main advantage of the online semester is that I don’t have to commute to the university. This allows me to stay in bed a few minutes longer and swap my jeans for more comfortable clothes. The main disadvantage is obviously missing out on the interaction with my fellow students, something that makes studying so special. I’m not only talking about partying, but also about forming learning groups and carrying out projects together."

Manuel Fischer, 3rd year industrial engineering student


,,The trainers from the various departments usually keep in touch with the apprentices and students via a chat platform or by phone, so you never feel left alone.But the longer you spend working from home, the more you start to miss your colleagues, teamwork and the brief chats in between. It’s definitely an unusual situation, especially when you also have to drastically limit the number of people you meet socially. Working from home obviously also has some benefits: During the lunch break, I like to do my weekly shopping or get some exercise. Things for which you have little time when working in an office each day. Of the five semesters I’ve already completed, the last two had to be done online. It’s definitely not what you think of when you think of ‘student life’. You miss eating with your fellow students in the cafeteria, meeting up in study groups or going to a student party now and again. Fortunately, DHBW makes sure that you can complete your studies successfully despite the various hygiene regulation."

Jacqueline Gunko, 3rd year business administration for management in commerce student


,,The lectures are minutely planned and organised in a very structured manner. In general, you can say that the lecturers try their best to teach lessons in a comprehensible and comprehensive way. They also make every attempt to answer student questions and to deal with problems, making it more like a school class with teachers and students, something I very much welcome. Fortunately, we only do presentations and group work online. And these don’t differ much from their physical counterparts. Luckily, our exams take place on site. You’re only allowed to enter the building just before the exam and after thoroughly disinfecting your hands, and you also have to keep your distance and wear a face mask. In some exams, we even had to keep our face masks on while sitting down.One of the advantages is that longer journeys are no longer necessary, and some lecturers are easier to understand online. At home more discipline is required to follow lectures attentively. It’s unfortunately also less personal."

Laurin Dahn, 2nd year business administration for management in commerce student



,,When working from home, communication via Jabber and Webex was very easy. However, I’m glad to be back in the office now, as questions can be answered faster and it’s easier to coordinate matters with members of the team on site. Support is provided at all times. My direct contact and the other members of the team get in touch with me at least once a day and provide me with tasks to do. And if there aren’t any tasks for me, I’m allowed to attend meetings to gain experience. When studying from home, there are also a lot of distractions that can stop you from learning or paying attention. I’m definitely a big fan of face-to-face lessons. I learned more in three weeks of face-to-face lessons than in nine weeks online."

Hanna Sommer, 1st year business administration for management in commerce student



,,Fortunately, we’ve still been allowed to pass from one department to the next and learn new things despite the coronavirus pandemic. The HR department has given us lots of opportunities during the coronavirus outbreak to develop and enabled us to move between departments, something we should be very grateful for. I’m really looking forward to the pandemic being over and when we can all get our old lives back, a life without restrictions!"

Tatia Goderidze, 2nd year wholesale and foreign trade apprentice